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Tech & Investments Conferences Calendar



We invite you to view the IVC Events Calendar. Updated regularly, the Events Calendar is your #1 connection to local and international high-tech and investor-related events. Browse the calendar according to event name, date, venue or country. IVC members can download events directly to their personal calendars.

Are you planning a corporate event or industry exhibition? Get your message where it needs to be – and reach thousands of IVC subscribers across the globe! You can post your upcoming event on the IVC website! It’s quick and it’s easy. Click here  to post a new event.

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Event NameCategoryCountryEvent Date
Coller Startup Competition Israel Jul. 31, 2024 Details
JOURNEY 2024 Venture Capital Israel Sep. 10, 2024 Details
WATEC Israel Sep. 17, 2024 Details
hayaData 2024 Israel Sep. 24, 2024 Details
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