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Harness Insights with the
Tech Ecosystem Analytics
Gain insights and information with IVC's comprehensive analytics tool covering the Israeli tech ecosystem. The data-driven approach enables informed decisions based on real-time data and aggregative analytics. Customize dashboards to suit your evolving goals and access actionable intelligence.
Monitor the investment pulse with the Investor dashboards and discover insights on active funds, foreign investor participation, Israeli institutional investors, and Corporate Venture Capitalists (CVCs). Easily filter by type, first investments, VC-backed statistics, tech sectors, or geography.
The Exit Analytics dashboards present statistical data and expose the deal trends and sector averages. Drill into specific deals to uncover the startup identities, acquiring companies,
historical capital raising, and amounts—filter by year, sector, deal type, size, and VC backing for tailored insights.
Top Tags
Use the Top Tags dashboards to explore specific verticals by the number of new companies established yearly, total capital raised, exits analysis,
industry status by company stage and sector, and number of employees by company size.
Uncover information with dashboards that combine multi-layer data with valuable segmentation knowledge like statistics of capital raised by Israeli tech companies, by tech sectors, deal size, etc.
VC Funds
Dig down the Israeli VC funds trends with the dashboard analyzing the data by funds' size, type, vintage year, and funds' status.
Explore the statistics of the Israeli startup ecosystem dashboards displaying the rate of startups established yearly, industry growth, and industry status.
They might have rainbow-colored tails, but it's easy to find if following the big money. The Unicorn Dashboards mirror the appearance
and growth of tech unicorn by valuation year, last valuation, sector, number of employees and investor type.
"IVC's Analytics Services" data is based on the following guidelines:
  • Israeli high-tech companies registered in Israel.
  • Company headquarters and/or R&D activity is located in Israel.
  • Company headquarters are not in Israel, but its founders are Israeli, and at least one branch is in Israel.
This definition differs from the IVC Web (IVC-Online) database, which includes a broader variety of companies under the Israeli high-tech definition, to include (alongside the above described):

"Israeli Related Company" – A Company with no current activity in Israel, but at least one of its founders is Israeli and has strong Israeli ties: has senior Israeli management and/or received funding from at least one Israeli investor.
Please note:

The "IVC's Analytics Services" data is retroactively updated regularly, to allow our users comprehensive data points and viewpoints.
This process differs from the data analysis for the Quarterly Tech Review, which aims to supply a macro level view on the Israeli Tech ecosystem as a whole, focusing on long and short time patterns (please review the report's methodology).